Graphic Design & File Preparation

The graphics industry is very specialized, it requires very specific high-end software and hardware to ensure a quality finished product. If you are planning on supplying your own electronic artwork, please read the information below for details on what is required. Regardless of how your artwork is sent to us, it is still preferred that you call ahead of time to ensure everything you are submitting is compatible.

We are able to provide you with FULL GRAPHIC SERVICES. Our fees are charged in 15-minute increments at the rate of $85.00 per hour.

Electronic Artwork

The process used to create products requires that all artwork be created as line art in a VECTOR-based graphic program. The following information on the acceptable and unacceptable file formats describes what is required in order to accept your artwork via email, upload or disk.

Acceptable File Formats

We support the full range of Adobe Creative Cloud Apps. If you are working in another program, we accept files submitted in the following formats:
.eps (Vector)
  • All artwork created must be in a VECTOR based graphic program.
  • Fonts must be converted to curves or outline.
  • Use PANTONE COLOURS ONLY and supply the PMS Number (we cannot accept colours picked from the multi coloured bars on the bottom of programs)
  • FULL PROCESS COLOUR artwork must be saved as CMYK colours.
  • Photographs to be saved at least 300 dpi
  • If we are required to manipulate your artwork, our rate is $65.00 per hour.

File Transfer

Several options are available to transfer your files to us.

For smaller files, under 10 MB, you can email direct to our prepress department.
For files larger than 10 MB, you can use Hightail to upload your files and send us a link to get them. You can also send it directly to us using dropbox.

Contact us and we can give you the information required to connect to our shared dropbox folder.
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